Thursday, 27 February 2014

A Few Weeks Behind: Week 4, Images Part I

 I am a little behind on my 23 Things. (Fortunately, I peeked ahead and I think I've accidentally covered some of Week 7 in my normal rambling in quieter weeks!)

So, time to steal a few minutes on quiet evening and catch up!

Part of the reason I'm behind is because it's been February, and February is depressing, but I'm also less familiar with Creative Commons licensing than I am with some of the other 23 Things so far, so here we go ...

Thing 11 is to incorporate a Creative Commons-licensed image in our blog post. I was delighted to see that Laurie Cinotto (lalalaurie) has Creative Commons-licensed some images of my favorite celebrity cat, Charlene Butterbean of the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee fame. (But if you are another stereotypical gooey-for-cats library person, do yourself a favor and check out the rest of her Flickr photostream, especially this one of Wee Wylla Stout (all rights reserved).)

So let's attribute a photo!

(Image by Laurie Cinotto [lalalaurie] via Flickr)

She makes me think of Spring!

Thing 12 involves using the Wordle image generator to create a word cloud and share the image. This is a tool I've used before. Did you see the Advanced option that let's you assign numerical weighting to words? One thing I tried was creating music signage for various DDC music classifications, with the names of the performers in a section weighted by the number of CDs we had in the collection. It was eventually decided that they were too complicated for signage, but I liked them and the Rock Music one turned out cool enough one of the non-library staff asked for a large copy for his wall.

But for today, here's a word cloud for this blog. A little bit bookish, a little bit tech: looks right to me!

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