Saturday, 25 January 2014

Favorite Podcasts

Podcasts are one of my favorite ways to get news or be entertained. I thought I'd share some of my favorites.

Welcome to Night Vale
This is the only fiction podcast I subscribe to. The story is told in the form of broadcasts of a radio show from Night Vale, an odd little town where conspiracy theories are real. Updated twice a month, on the 1st and the 15th. Each episode is around half an hour. If you decide to check this one out, go back to beginning and start with the first episodes.

CBC: World Report 
10-minute daily report of world news. Great for catching up on what's going on in the big picture during your morning commute/walk to work.

CBC: Quirks & Quarks (Segmented Show)
Bob McDonald's fabulous weekly science podcast, segmented into individual stories. Often features interviews with Canadian scientists. Updates Fridays. Segments are ~5-15 minutes.

60-Second Science
Got a minute to keep up-to-date on science news? Scientific American publishes these very short audio articles on new science items. Normally 1-2 minutes long. There are additional 60-second podcasts for health, space, psychology, and environmentalism:

This Week in Science
The first podcast I got addicted to.

A weekly summary of science news from Dr. Kiki, Justin, and Blair. Each episode more than an hour.

BBC's The Infinite Monkey Cage
Physicist Brian Cox and comedian Robin Ince are joined by a variety of experts and comedians to discuss a science-related topic. I find them both hilarious and informative. During the season, episodes are released weekly, but there are long breaks between seasons.

I started listening to this podcast after seeing/hearing Brian Cox in Symphony of Science's early music videos/tracks.

Other Favorites

1 comment:

  1. We'll have a week coming up talking about podcasts and webcasts for professional development. You're ahead of the game!
